Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Not-so-known Interesting Facts about Gemstones

Beautiful art of nature, gemstones are the alluring and amazing creations of nature. There are so many interesting facts about gemstones that are not so known among people.

Image Source: Zen Parent

Here’s a list of Not-so-known Interesting Facts about Gemstones.

Let’s get started!

In ancient India, gemstones were divided into two categories: the major and the minor gems with the former being called as the Divine Gems. The Divine gems are associated with the astrological signs such as Pearl stands for Moon, Blue Saphire stands for Saturn, Red Coral stands for Mars, and Diamond stands for Venus.

Gemstones are divided into three categories: Precious Gemstones, Semi-precious Gemstones and Organic Gemstones. Diamonds, Rubies, Sapphires are all examples of Precious Stones while Amethyst, Labradorite, Onyx are all semi-precious stones. The semi-precious handmade jewellery is becoming quite popular among women.

Organic gemstones are the gemstones that were created by living organisms. These are mineralized. Natural pearls, cultured and conch pearls are the examples of organic gemstones. It takes about 2-3 years to grow a cultured pearl.

Did you know that Less than 20% of the gems (worldwide) are of true gem quality?

Image Source: Pinterest

Turquoise is a semi-precious gemstone, It got its name from the Greek word “Turkois”, meaning Turkish and this is because it was first brought from Turkey. Also, Turquoise is an anniversary stone and is given on 5th and 11th years of marriage. Thinking of a perfect gift for bae? How about turquoise handmade jewellery?

Amethyst used to be considered a precious gem, but when scientists found large reserves of Amethyst in Brazil, its value decreased due to which it became a semiprecious gemstone. To enrich color, all amethyst gemstones are heated before being used to make handmade jewellery. This is done to obtain its highest quality.

Image Source: Collectors Edge

Gemstones are known to have healing effects and the process is the known by the name of Crystal Healing.

In ancient Egypt, Lapis Lazuli was crush and used as an eye-shadow. Jewellery+makeup! Amazing, right?

Sold for $83 million, the Pink Star Diamond is the most expensive gemstone.

The red color of Rubies is caused by traces of chromium. It is known to be a symbol of life and love.
Moonstone, the semi-precious gemstone is considered to be associated with the good fortune and success in India.

Emerald is the most difficult gemstone to cut. This is due to its rough surface and inclusions.

One of the largest sapphires is currently housed at the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History and it is known by the name of “Star of Asia”.

It was believed that after millions and millions of years, Sun will become one large Diamond star.
The January birthstone, Garnet is named after the seeds of Pomegranate.

The largest diamond, Uncle Sam Diamond is found in the United States. Also, did you know that the ancient Greeks and Romans used to think that the diamonds were made of tears from the Gods and splinters from the twinkling stars.

In the middle ages, women used to wear Opals in order to wear the color of their blonde hair.
In ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia, Greece and Rome, each specific gemstone’s name was characterized by the scarcity or monetary value.

These were some of the not-so-known interesting facts about gemstones. Do you know more? Drop comments and let us know more unknown facts about gemstones.